Diminishing Returns
In the custody of cherished thoughts
I believed he would be protected
Hung on the wall were paintings
That had been with him
For as long as I can remember
The furniture were those
Well worn from years of use
Yet these did not guard him
Against the time’s ravage of his mind
It is the memories that are blurring
Leaving him raw to the past
Photos of himself become distorted
By what he is not able to remember
Unsettled feelings are resurrected
By the impulse of a momentary thought
He tends to meander
Losing logic on its path
At even supper, he does not recall why he sat
At times he fights the changes with anger
Reproaching those who help him
It is hurtful without his gratitude
Tiresome to clarify what he cannot recall
Disheartening to compare him
To the man he once was
Then was an expansive world in which
He guided me during troubled times
But now follows tentatively, as would a scolded child
His past is vanishing
And every day is lived
With diminishing returns
But I will maintain
Him with dignity
By holding to those memories
Fading from his mind